ISO17025 Scope of Accreditation

What is ISO17025

ISO 17025 is a quality management system and the main standard for testing and calibration laboratories. ISO 17025 evaluates the technical competence in lab testing and calibration services and it applies to organizations that produce testing and calibration results.

What does accreditation mean?

To achieve ISO 17025 accreditation, the laboratory’s quality management system and technical competence is evaluated thoroughly by a third-party. Audits are conducted on a regular basis to maintain accreditation. ISO 17025 accreditation can only be granted by an authorized accreditation body. Accreditation means that the laboratory has met the Management Requirements and Technical Requirements of ISO17025 and is deemed technically competent to produce calibration and testing results. 

Why is it important to calibrate your instruments in an ISO 17025 Accredited lab?

ISO 17025 Accreditation proves a laboratory has an acceptable quality management system in place, and it has the ability and competence to provide testing and calibration results. Accredited labs perform tests against the international standards (ISO 17025) and results are mutually acceptable between different governmental and regulatory organizations. The arrangement between accreditation bodies is that accredited members’ test results will meet the same minimum quality standard regardless of the accreditation body and that the calibration results would be recognized as if they had performed the calibration themselves. 


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