For 12” and up Pipe (304.8mm) and Up Pipe
For the most reliable signal available, the SPY® PT-750 Transmitter uses low-frequency signals to effectively and consistently penetrate a steel pipe wall. The PT750 transmitter is self-contained and travels inside various pigs, attached to versatile brackets, or towed. A hand-held receiver and wand are used to locate the transmitter.
Make an EnquirySPY® Transmitters have been proven effective in the field for over 20 years. Each SPY® Transmitter is designed and built for long reliable service.
Minimum Pipe Size: 12” [304.8mm] and Up
Weight: 13.5 lb (6.1 kg)
Transmitter Length: 13.875” [352.4mm]
Transmitter Diameter: 3.5625” [90.5mm]
Maximum Hours of Signal: 500 Hours
Batteries Required: 8 “C” Alkaline
Maximum Pickup Range (free air): 100’ [30.5M]
Ground Cover Depth Pickup Range: 25’-30’ – [7.6M-9.1M]
Maximum Operation Pressure: 3000 PSI [207 Bar]
Temperature Range: -20°F – 180°F [-29°C – 82°C]
*Minimum Pipe Bend (Medium – High Density Polly Pig): 3D*
* When calculating pipe bends please reference the pig manufacturer. Additionally, when using steel mandrel pigs, the minimum pipe bend is determined by what the actual steel mandrel pig can negotiate.
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